viernes, 29 de diciembre de 2017

Defining the Value of Financial Consulting Services for Business Startups

Consulting services will allow you to plan strategies to achieve a significant growth and maintain market leadership.

Good ideas can be transformed into excellent business opportunities if you know how to develop them. When starting a new business, it is important always to consider several aspects of the market and follow specific parameters, even if you are a startup company. In many cases, owners of these types of enterprises wonder whether financial consulting is necessary for their situations since they do not have much money to spend and their business is just starting.

The answer to this dilemma can be given with a sentence: better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. Your business may work without consulting, but in other cases, many have failed just because they did not ask for one. You need to consider that you will get more benefits using this tool than disadvantages.

Why use financial consulting

In this vein, Guillen Serrano & Associates will provide you with the information you need to confirm that financial consulting is one of the tools that will lead your startup business to success. Keep reading and learn why you should take advantage of its services.

It provides information

To grow a business requires several elements that a consultant can offer you, including information that can help you strategize and set goals. Financial consultants are prepared to manage information, such as market research, costs, competition studies and surveys, and to analyze it to use it most conveniently. In short, they will give you all the information you need about what to do and how to do it.

It identifies type of entity

Creating a business is not just about having an idea and creating an action plan. Other aspects of its structure must also be considered, such as the type of entity you are going to establish. A financial consultant will help you identify which kind of entity is more convenient for your specific needs, business activity and planned operations.

It creates business plans

Many people doubt the benefits that a strategic business plan can bring. However, they can help you in the long run, if you have the right guidance. A financial consultancy will help you to define the elements you need to include, ranging from your goals and the actions you need to take to reach them, to all the activities that are being carried out and will also do so in the future. With its advice, you will have a better understanding of the timelines and resources your business needs.

It accomplish goals

Because they have experience in the field, financial consultants can help you define your goals, taking into consideration what your business needs to grow. From there, they will guide you through the process of creating strategies that will be used in the business plan to achieve your goals.

It provides management advice

Thanks to their many business skills, financial consultants can advise you on making the best decisions when problems arise. Also, they can also anticipate issues that may occur during the development stages of your startup company and propose solutions to the issues that could not be avoided.

Starting a business is not easy, but with the right help the process can be simpler and more efficient. If you have any questions about the next step you should take to grow financially, contact Guillen Serrano & Associates, an accounting firm specialized in international tax and business consulting that will provide you with the best business consulting services.

Financial consulting services are often the first step in your journey to success.

Facebook: GuillenSerranoA
Twitter: GuillenSerranoA
Instagram: GuillenSerranoA

jueves, 28 de diciembre de 2017

Peligros y consecuencias de la evasión fiscal internacional

La defraudación o evasión fiscal se da mediante el uso de comprobantes fiscales falsos, omisión reiterada de la expedición de facturas, entre otras estrategias fraudulentas.

Puede que tenga un nombre específico para cada nación, pero en general, el departamento o Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT) es el que se encarga de recaudar los impuestos a las medianas y grandes empresas. La evasión y defraudación fiscal son dos grandes dolores de cabeza para aquellos que gestionan operaciones relacionadas con los impuestos, ya que no solo perjudican a las personas involucradas con las funciones de la empresa, sino también que deteriora los servicios que están dispuestos al resto de la sociedad. En esta nueva entrada de Guillén Serrano & Associates, le explicamos cuáles son los peligros y consecuencias de evadir sus impuestos.

Evasión fiscal: un problema mundial

Uno de los mayores problemas actuales para muchos gobiernos a nivel mundial es la evasión y defraudación fiscal de parte de una gran cantidad de empresas, independientemente del rubro. Evadir la declaración y el pago de los impuestos implica, en términos generales, crear documentaciones falsas; como facturas a nombre de personas que no tengan ningún tipo de compromiso con la empresa, hacer doble contabilidad, deducciones financieras simuladas y pagos de nómina incorrectos.

Conociendo esta información, usted puede inferir que estos procedimientos son ilegales y que traen consecuencias negativas no solo para las empresas que ejecutan dichas acciones, sino que puede desestabilizar toda la estructura económica de un país. Son muchas las empresas las que forman parte de estas actividades ilícitas, lo que convierte a este problema en algo más complejo y difícil de controlar.

Actos que corresponden a una evasión de impuestos

  • Utilizar documentación personal falsa.
  • Omitir la expedición de comprobantes por cada actividad financiera que realice la empresa.
  • Indicar datos falsos de la compañía para recibir devoluciones por las contribuciones.
  • No llevar un registro contable de cada una de las operaciones.
  • Declarar pérdidas fiscales que no existen.
  • Simular contratos con otras empresas.
  • Recibir pagos en la cuenta bancaria no declararlos como ingresos.
  • Personas físicas que piden a otros hacer facturaciones por ellos.
  • Realizar deducciones de operaciones ficticias.
  • Realizar facturaciones de operaciones ficticias.

Básicamente, estas actividades permiten a la empresa modificar los documentos pertinentes a las operaciones financieras a su conveniencia, y así disminuir o eliminar tributos que deben ir obligatoriamente al Estado. Es por ello que la evasión fiscal se considera como un acto de corrupción, es decir, un delito.

Consecuencias de la evasión y defraudación fiscal

Como usted puede imaginar, las consecuencias por cometer actos fraudulentos son graves, y todo dependerá de la cantidad de dinero se deba al Servicio de Administración Tributaria (información obtenida según el artículo 108 del Código Fiscal de la Federación):
  • Con prisión de tres meses a dos años, siempre y cuando el monto de lo defraudado no exceda de $500,000.00.
  • Con prisión de dos años a cinco años, siempre y cuando el monto de lo defraudado exceda de $500,000.00 pero no de $750,000.00.
  • Con prisión de tres años a nueve años, siempre y cuando el monto de lo defraudado fuere mayor de $750,000.00.
  • En el caso de que no se pueda determinar la cifra exacta de lo que se defraudó, la pena será de tres meses a seis años de prisión.

Nuestra mejor recomendación es que, si usted se encuentra en una situación que guarde relación con la evasión o defraudación de impuestos, contacte ahora mismo a Guillén Serrano & Associates a través del blog y redes sociales que se encuentran al final de la entrada para informarse sobre su siguiente paso y así evitar problemas legales. Construya el futuro ideal para usted y su familia con la asesoría profesional y personalizada de Guillén Serrano & Associates.
Las sanciones incluyen: clausurar el negocio o las actividades de la persona física, embargar mercancías que vengan del comercio exterior, cancelar los certificados para no permitirle al contribuyente la emisión de facturas digitales, entre otras consecuencias.

Facebook: GuillenSerranoA
Twitter: GuillenSerranoA
Instagram: GuillenSerranoA

miércoles, 27 de diciembre de 2017

Build a Strategic Business Plan with Guillen Serrano & Associates in Simple Steps

This will help you create a successful strategic business plan.

Organization is one of the essential elements when starting a business. The organization allows you to specify the structure of a company, delimit positions and tasks, and establish directions, objectives, and decisions. How can you reach an organization that allows you to do all these activities? Through a strategic business plan. .

What is a strategic business plan

This type of business plan is a written document that takes into account both company objectives and market demand. In this way, it uses the goals to take advantage of business opportunities. It contains a vast quantity of information, such as market research on competitors and trends, marketing analysis and financial statements, which will allow you to plan an specific process to achieve the company's goals.

How to build a strategic plan

Many people think that creating a strategic business plan is very complicated and a time-consuming task, so they throw away the idea and lose the benefits that this tool can offer. To put an end to that thought; today's blog suggests simple steps you can take to start creating your strategic plan and make the most of it. Read on and take the road to success.

Define your company's vision and mission statements

To start a strategic plan, you need to outline these two essential elements. On the one hand, a company's vision includes values, goals, and purposes. On the other hand, the company’s mission describes how you plan to meet customer needs, taking into consideration the type of business it is.

List the success factors your business must meet

In this case, you should list the factors that may indicate that your company's vision and mission were achieved. An example of this could be making credibility or to conduct marketing studies to understand and meet customer needs.

Define your business strategies

Strategies are conceived as actions to be taken. They specify who should carry out each activity and what specific steps should be made to achieve those effects. It is also noteworthy that any business strategy must consider marketing and advertising actions.

Prioritize your list of action

Plans usually have a period of duration. During that period of time, the proposed actions must be carried out; however, not all of them can be implemented at the same time, so you must prioritize tasks and identify which ones must be completed first. In this case, it is a question of defining which tasks depend on the implementation of others.

As you can see, starting to build a strategic plan is not so complicated, although it is always important to seek qualified to consult about this type of growth tools. In these cases, Guillen Serrano & Associates offers you business consulting services to help you create your business plans. Also, they provide you with an integrated service combining business strategy with communication strategy to shape your goals and objectives and help you communicate properly.

Follow them through their social networks to learn more about growth plans, business strategies and how to expand your regional borders!
For a proper company growth, you need a business plan    

Facebook: GuillenSerranoA

Twitter: GuillenSerranoA
Instagram: GuillenSerranoA

martes, 26 de diciembre de 2017

5 consejos para aprender a hacer proyecciones financieras para el plan de negocio

Si su empresa no se diferencia de otras compañías y no ha evolucionado ni innovado a lo largo de los años, es posible que deje de atraer nuevos clientes.

Muchos de ustedes quizás se han preguntado para qué sirven las proyecciones financieras en el plan de negocios.Estas sirven para expresar a dónde quiere llegar la empresa en cuanto a beneficios y recuperación de la inversión. Las proyecciones financieras además son de gran ayuda para demostrar la rentabilidad y el potencial de éxito de una empresa nueva.

Antes de hacer una proyección financiera considere que es necesario tener nociones básicas de finanzas. Si no es su caso, usted puede contactar a Guillen Serrano & Associates. Ellos son expertos en asesoría financiera, contable y tributaria. En caso de tener algunos conocimientos le recomendamos seguir estos 5 consejos para  hacer proyecciones financieras para su plan de negocios.

1. Conozca su mercado, no realice cálculos audaces

Lo primero que usted debe tener en cuenta como emprendedor antes de hacer proyecciones, ya sean financieras o a nivel de producción, es conocer bien su mercado. Por eso es que el plan de negocios debe incluir una descripción del sector en el que incursionará, la situación en el que se encuentra, cómo ha avanzado el mercado en los últimos años, quienes serán los consumidores, quiénes serán los competidores, etc.También es recomendable tener en cuenta qué factores podrían repercutir en la oferta y la demanda.

2. Realice estimaciones de sus ventas

Es recomendable incluir proyecciones de ventas en el plan de negocios, puede preguntarse lo siguiente para hacerlas:
  • ¿Cuántos productos venderás y en qué plazo?
  • ¿Cuál será el precio de los productos?
  • ¿En qué tiempo los clientes sustentarán el negocio?

3. Realice proyecciones y fije plazos

Las proyecciones financieras pueden ser mensuales o anuales, dependiendo de su emprendimiento. Hay negocios que las realizan cada 30 días, pues de esa forma pueden verificar sus metas regularmente y lo más recomendable es hacerlas asi,  cada 30 días, para evaluar las metas periódicamente.

4. Analice su caso

Si se trata de un nuevo proyecto de inversión, usted debera estimar el precio del producto y el costo de operación, además de establecer las políticas de costos, gastos y de los otros indicadores. Para una empresa que ya está en marcha, debe partir de los últimos estados financieros con el apoyo de herramientas como Excel o un software especializado.

5. Plan de contingencia

Aunque usted lleve a cabo la planificación y proyección, no es posible prever todas las eventualidades. Por lo tanto, es prudente prever en los costos una determinada suma de contingencias. Esta cifra puede basarse, por ejemplo, en un cierto porcentaje de la facturación. Sin embargo, no se debe incluir una cifra demasiado alta porque de lo contrario la credibilidad de la gerencia para elaborar previsiones realistas podría ser puesto en duda.

Si usted sigue estos sencillos consejos realizará con éxito las proyecciones financieras de su negocio. Finalmente, recuerde que usted puede contactar a Guillen Serrano & Associates en caso de necesitar apoyo de profesionales. Ellos son expertos en asesoría financiera, contable y tributaria. Con su ayuda, podrá estar seguro de tener las herramientas y soluciones para los problemas en estas áreas. ¡Contáctelos ahora a través de sus redes sociales y descubra lo mucho que pueden hacer por usted en los negocios!
Manejar las finanzas con orden y transparencia es fundamental

Facebook: GuillenSerranoA
Twitter: GuillenSerranoA
Instagram: GuillenSerranoA

lunes, 25 de diciembre de 2017

Small Business Owners Report According to Bank of America

An owner report considers several elements of the business landscape, such as economic outlook and business growth's expectations.

When starting a business, you may need to look for an incentive or a new perspective to help you make a decision, whether it is starting a business from scratch or dedicating yourself full time to the one you have already been developing. In these cases, financial corporations, such as Bank of America, can offer you a guide with their several studies such as the Small Business Owner Report.

What is Bank of America?

The Bank of America (BOA) is a multinational banking and financial services corporation, which seeks to improve the economic life of communities and clients, ranging from companies and institutional investors to individuals. Through its eight lines of business, this institution offers financial services and products that can help them achieve their financial goals and success.

As an institution committed to financial growth, BOA is concerned about the advancement of small businesses and therefore launches a study that seeks to provide an overview of this particular industry.

The Small Business Owner Report, Fall 2017

The Small Business Owner Report is a biannual study that aims to describe and clarify the perspectives and concerns of small business owners and entrepreneurs. It explores aspects such as growth expectations by area, gender, and generation; views on health care quality and availability, work-life balance, the importance of social media, among others.

The sample surveyed for the 2017 fall report included 1,013 small business owners from the United States reporting an annual revenue between $100,000 and $4,999,999, and employing between 2 and 99 employees. Likewise, 300 small business owners from 10 major cities were surveyed.

Relevant conclusions

The report explores several relevant aspects of the small business owners’ economic outlook, whose most relevant conclusions are explained below.

Economic confidence and optimism

The study reveals that the economic confidence increased compared with 2016. Small business owners honestly believe that the regional, national and global economy will improve. They are also optimistic about their business growth, as 71% of the people surveyed think that their 2017 year-end revenue will be higher than that of 2016. However, their expectations about the increase of taxes in the next 12 months remain flat.

Expectations between urban and rural business owners

There are several differences between urban and rural business owners regarding revenue, hiring, business growth and national economy improvement. Regarding the three first aspects, the business owners in downtown locations have better expectations about an increase of their revenue in the next 12 months (52%), have more plans to grow their business over the next 5 years (57%), and have a higher tendency to hire employees in 2018 (20%).

When it comes to the national economy, the rural small business owners are the ones having better expectations about an improvement of the said economy over the next 12 months (51%).
Generation optimism
The report reflected an evident difference between the business optimism of the four age groups (millennials, Gen-Xers, baby boomers and senior), being the millennials the ones with the most optimistic outlook.

Considering the analyzed parameters (revenue increase, hiring, business growth and local economy improvement), millennials tend to anticipate the rise of their revenue in the next 12 months (81%) and an extension of their business over the next five years (76%), and have a better expectation about hiring more employees in the next 12 months (43%) and a local economy improvement in the next 12 months (63%).  

Importance of social media

Although in this era technology and social media are seen as essential elements for business success, the report shows that entrepreneurs are split on the importance of these tools. In fact, 67% of the surveyed business owners have stated that social media did not have any impact in their business bottom line and 51% did not believe that social media and virtual communities are essential to the success of their business.

These conclusions just show the expectations and perspectives studied by the Bank of America Small Business Owners Report; however, they could be seen as an indicator of the business growth landscape and how it is being developed.

If after reading this you still have concerns about starting your own business and the path you should follow to create a successful strategic business plan, do not hesitate to contact Guillén Serrano & Associates, an accounting firm specialized in international tax and business consulting. For more information follow them through their social networks and leave a comment at any time.
It is a study that explores and analyze several aspects of small business owners' life throughout the U. S. 

Facebook: GuillenSerranoA
Twitter: GuillenSerranoA
Instagram: GuillenSerranoA

viernes, 22 de diciembre de 2017

Budget's Importance for the Management of Family Finances

Knowing how to administrate the family finances is knowing how to spend.

One of the most challenging aspects of family life is the management of the family finances. Once a family is formed, the expenses are no longer individual, and this fact is further consolidated when children are being raised. If you have plans for the future, such as starting a business or acquiring a property, you should examine your expenses and income to know how much money you have at your disposal. And how do you do that? With one of the simplest and most underestimated tools: a budget.

Why making a budget is so essential for the family finances?

Many people may want a family, but sometimes their financial situation does not allow them to have one. It is not easy to support a family, as you must take into consideration the needs of each member. For this reason, it is necessary to use a tool that allows you to estimate expenses, costs, and income to manage the money the best way, and that is the budget. What other benefits does this tool bring to you? You will find out next.

Organize your expenses

A budget will help you organize your financial information; therefore, you will have an idea of your monthly expenses and will also be capable of identifying losses that do not happen with the same frequency. In these cases, this tool will help you be better prepared for it, and you will be able to include that irregular spending in your monthly budget by calculating the total annual expenditure and dividing it by the number of months.

Identify habits

By organizing both sources of income and monthly fixed expenses, taking into account your credit card and income statements, you will be able to identify your habits and have an idea of your cash flow. In this case, a budget could show you unnecessary expenses and help you redirect that money to something needed, such as paying off a debt or saving for a retirement. It can also help you make small changes to save money, such as going to a library instead of a bookstore and renting movies instead of buying them.  

Set financial goals and plan for the future

As this tool shows you an accurate picture of your finances and an idea of your cash flow, you will be able to make better financial decisions by setting goals that you want or must meet. Keep in mind your priorities; these could be the mortgage or credit payment, starting an emergency savings account, life insurance payment, or even saving money for your children's college.

Built wealth and invest

By identifying priorities and setting goals, such as paying a debt, you create habits. When a debt is fully paid, the monthly money assigned to that expense can be redirected to your savings or future investment.

In this context, the budget will provide you with data that will help you to analyze whether your savings have increased or not your net income, as it would help you to obtain a higher limit of debt capacity to apply for a loan, which you can assume without harming your financial integrity.

Following a budget is not easy, it requires constant planning and updating. If you want to start a new business, you need to have your finances well organized and seek consulting to know what to do and how to start. In those cases, Guillen Serrano & Associates will give you the best consulting service to carefully plan your business and know what type of entity is most convenient.

If you have any questions about their services and what else they can offer you, don't hesitate to follow them through their social networks and start learning how to grow your business.
This is a necessary tool to monitor your income.

Facebook: GuillenSerranoA
Twitter: GuillenSerranoA
Instagram: GuillenSerranoA

Keys on the new GOP Tax Reform and How It Affects Your Pocket

The new bill was signed on December 22 by president Trump. Last December, Republicans claimed a long-awaited victory by signing the...